Moodle as Builder of Motivation and Autonomy in English Courses

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Moodle is one of the mostly used open source learning management systems. It may create an encouraging, informative and always renewable language education environment. It is both motivating and autonomy building in particularly English language courses. In this paper, focus of the research is to survey on Moodle’s position to motivate and create autonomous e-learning in English language courses. Distinctive features of this study were that language learners who were participants of the study did not experience English preparatory class at university level and never used a particular learning management system (LMS) to learn English before. They had weekly four hours of English language classes in each term for four years of their bachelor education. The students used Moodle to learn and improve their English with asynchronous applications as an extension to face-to-face sessions of the courses. At the end of almost four months of study, averages of their exam scores and a satisfaction questionnaire were used to evaluate the effectiveness of Moodle on students’ motivations and autonomous learning. As a consequence of the study, it was observed that Moodle considerably contributed to the levels of their motivation and autonomy to improve their English language skills.

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Ayan, E. (2015) Moodle as Builder of Motivation and Autonomy in English Courses. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5, 6-20. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2015.51002.


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The University of Jordan E-Learning Platform: State, Students’ Acceptance and Challenges

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The rapid changes and increased complexity in today’s world present new challenges and put new demands on the education system. There has been generally a growing awareness of the necessity to change and improve the existing system towards online learning. Jordan is one of the distinguished countries in the Middle East with rapid progress in education and with advanced teaching and learning technologies. The University of Jordan is trying to exploit Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education and moving forward by introducing the latest E-learning management systems (LMSs) to keep pace of technological revolution in the higher education. It is important to find out the impact of E-learning management system in the University of Jordan, examine the students’ acceptance for this new system and address the challenges facing the students while using the E-learning management system and these are what this paper is trying to do.

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Almarabeh, T. , Mohammad, H. , Yousef, R. and Majdalawi, Y. (2014) The University of Jordan E-Learning Platform: State, Students’ Acceptance and Challenges. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7, 999-1007. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2014.712087.


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